WebVisum now accepts donations in order to keep our service running and improve it as we've planned for a long time.
Please note that you most definitely do not have to donate. If you can't afford to or for any other reason, you can keep on using our service for free just like you have been doing until now - no questions asked.
If you decide to donate, you are benefiting in several ways:
1. You help us pay for the service and thus ensure it remains available to all who need it, people like you.
2. We will use your money to fund further developments and improvements to WebVisum - things which we wanted to do ever since we've dreamt the project up and hopefully allow us to make it even more exciting and useful.
3. Optionally, your name or nickname will appear on our wall of fame as someone who helped the project.
4. As another way of saying thanks for your support, you will be able to solve up to 50 CAPTCHAs per day instead of the usual 10. Let us stress that we still feel 10 CAPTCHAs per day is more than sufficient for the majority of our users. This feature will be active for six months following your donation.
You can donate a minimum of $5 or any higher amount that you see fit and can afford. There is no renewal and you are only charged once. These donations are not tax deductible as we are not listed as a non profit organization.
Finally, we appreciate all the thank you letters we've been receiving and we would like to ask that you continue to spread the word of WebVisum to those who may need it.
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